
Department of Gender

Naomi Lunat Kimbala

Director Gender, Youth, and Child Development

Zambia Congress of Trade Unions

The Department of Gender, Youth, and Child Development (GYCD) within the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is a specialized unit that focuses on promoting gender equality, empowering youth, and protecting the rights of children within the labor movement and the broader society. The department recognizes the importance of addressing the specific needs and challenges faced by these marginalized groups and works towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

Our Stance…

Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Secretariat, has elaborated on an Advocacy & Communications strategy to help the ratification of C190 advance to its goal of ending violence and harassment in the world of work.

Our Mandate

Gender Equality: The GYCD strives to eliminate gender-based discrimination and promote gender equality within the labor movement. It works to address workplace gender disparities, advocate for fair treatment and opportunities for women workers, and challenge harmful gender stereotypes and biases. The department also engages in advocacy and lobbying efforts to influence policy formulation that promotes gender equality in the broader society.

Youth Empowerment: The department recognizes the importance of empowering the youth to address the challenges they face, including unemployment, skills development, and social inclusion. It facilitates programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing youth employment opportunities, providing vocational training, supporting entrepreneurship, and promoting youth participation in decision-making processes. By empowering young workers, the GYCD aims to harness their potential and contribute to sustainable development.

Child Rights Protection: The GYCD is committed to safeguarding the rights and well-being of children within the labor movement and beyond. It advocates for the elimination of child labor, promotes access to quality education, and raises awareness about child rights and protection measures. The department works towards ensuring that children are protected from exploitation, abuse, and hazardous working conditions, and that their rights are respected and upheld in all spheres of life.

Capacity Building and Awareness: The GYCD conducts capacity-building programs, workshops, and training sessions to enhance the knowledge and skills of trade union leaders, members, and other stakeholders on gender, youth, and child-related issues. It also undertakes awareness campaigns to promote understanding, empathy, and social change regarding gender equality, youth empowerment, and child rights.

Collaboration and Advocacy: The department actively collaborates with relevant government ministries, international organizations, and civil society groups to influence policy reforms, develop effective programs, and advocate for the rights and interests of gender, youth, and children. It engages in dialogue, partnerships, and advocacy efforts to ensure that their concerns are addressed and that their voices are heard at various levels.

Overall, the Department of Gender, Youth, and Child Development within the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions plays a pivotal role in advancing gender equality, empowering youth, and protecting the rights of children. By focusing on these marginalized groups, the department contributes to creating a more inclusive and just society that values and respects the rights and aspirations of all its members.


Breaking the silence.

Men and women should talk about GBV at the workplace. Do not Protect Sexual Offenders or Perpetrators.